Yike Weiqi provides news, education, live score, and tournament for chess players. They provide go, weiq, and baduk information services which include news, learning, and tournament organizing.
News Social Media Sports
Shanghai, Shanghai, China
Website Url:
Total Employee:
Email Addresses:
[email protected]
Total Funding:
14.5 M CNY
Technology used in webpage:
IPhone / Mobile Compatible Viewport Meta Domain Not Resolving SSL By Default Mobile Non Scaleable Content Nginx ASP.NET IIS CrUX Top 5m Nginx 1.14
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Current Advisors List
Current Employees Featured
Investors List
Jiangboya Instrument Accessories
Jiangboya Instrument Accessories investment in Series A - Yike Weiqi
Zhanggen Ni
Zhanggen Ni investment in Series A - Yike Weiqi
Lanqi Investment
Lanqi Investment investment in Series A - Yike Weiqi
Ruiye Touzi
Ruiye Touzi investment in Series A - Yike Weiqi
Haolu Touzi
Haolu Touzi investment in Angel Round - Yike Weiqi
Official Site Inspections
http://www.yikeweiqi.com Semrush global rank: 273.67 K Semrush visits lastest month: 146.91 K
- Host name:
- IP address:
- Location: Aurora Canada
- Latitude: 43.9982
- Longitude: -79.4625
- Timezone: America/Toronto
- Postal: L4G

More informations about "Yike Weiqi"
Yike Weiqi - Crunchbase Company Profile & Funding
Yike Weiqi provides news, education, live score, and tournament for chess players. They provide go, weiq, and baduk information services which include news, learning, and tournament …See details»
弈客围棋 ... 登录 ... ...See details»
弈客与棋届各方保持紧密联系,共同携手为围棋事业添砖加瓦See details»
弈客围棋 - 弈客围棋 - yikeweiqi.com
弈客围棋自诞生之日起,便提出了成为全球棋迷的精神家园的愿景。 通过丰富的棋闻、全面的棋手资料,更有趣的互动游戏让 ...See details»
弈客围棋 - 弈客围棋 - yikeweiqi.com
弈客少儿围棋平台2018年5月诞生于上海,是由弈客围棋花费3年时间自主研发,运用弈客在 ai 运用技术上的优势、强大的题库体系打造的一款自主、便捷、高效的围棋产品。See details»
弈客围棋 - 弈客围棋 - yikeweiqi.com
弈客围棋是一个提供线上围棋社群、少儿教育平台和赛事服务的智力运动产业解决方案提供商。See details»
弈客围棋 - 弈客围棋 - yikeweiqi.com
弈课堂由“弈客围棋”与“中国围棋少年体育学校(衢州)”合作创办,推出一套专门针对幼少儿围棋启蒙及进阶教学的课程 ...See details»
弈客围棋 - 弈客围棋 - yikeweiqi.com
一个棋盘连接老师和学生,智能布置题目,精准教学See details»
What happened with YikeWeiqi in english? : r/baduk - Reddit
What happened with YikeWeiqi in english? Just curious. I readed in several places announcements about an inminent english version of Yike, an "official" twitter account about it …See details»
少儿围棋平台 - kaoshi.yikeweiqi.com
1.请严格参考模版制作导入文件,点我下载 2.第一行为标题,第一列为【弈客少儿帐号】,不可为空。 3.将自动过滤导入文件中无效的ifk帐号和已经报名了该比赛的棋手。See details»
弈客围棋 — 对弈大厅 - home.yikeweiqi.com
弈客围棋 — 对弈大厅 - home.yikeweiqi.com ... 关于我们 ... ...See details»
少儿围棋平台 - shaoer.yikeweiqi.com
每关10题,每题45秒且只有一次机会,答对8题以上方可通关,通关后才可闯下一关。See details»
臺灣弈客圍棋 - 親愛的圍棋教室/老師 您好, 我們是臺灣弈客圍 …
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弈客围棋 - 弈客围棋 - yikeweiqi.com
欢迎来到弈客俱乐部! 无论你是老的俱乐部优秀组织者,还是各地围棋群的新领袖,新版弈客俱乐部都会提供更好、更便捷的创建俱乐部,创办网络赛事等功能。See details»
少儿围棋平台 - shaoer.yikeweiqi.com
提示:如果发现音视频没有声音或图像,请尝试刷新网页See details»
A Guide to playing on the Yikeweiqi Go server : r/baduk - Reddit
Yikeweiqi is a Chinese Go server where games can be played directly from a Web browser. The advantage compared to OGS is that Yikeweiqi has a huge player base: much like Tygem and …See details»
YikeWeiqi website in english : r/baduk - Reddit
A place for players of Go/Weiqi/Baduk. We have discussions, go problems, game reviews, news, events, tournaments, lessons and more!See details»
少儿围棋后台管理 - kaoshi.yikeweiqi.com
弈客少儿围棋平台是专为儿童设计的在线学习和测试网站,提供丰富的围棋课程和练习。See details»
弈客少儿围棋 - shaoer.yikeweiqi.com
弈客少儿围棋,天下没有难学的围棋See details»
少儿围棋 - shaoer.yikeweiqi.com
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