Yizhun Intelligent provides intelligent solutions for imaging equipment, clinical intelligence solutions, and AI research solutions. The company is committed to developing full-stack AI analysis solutions to make doctors' work more precise and efficient in order to address real clinical needs. It has introduced intelligent detection systems for lung nodules, mammography targets, and a variety of lung diseases. It also collaborated with IBM Watson to develop the "Darwin Intelligent Scientific Research Platform," an AI medical imaging research platform. Its products are used in over 400 Chinese hospitals.
Social Links:
Artificial Intelligence (AI) Machine Learning Robotics
Beijing, Beijing, China
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[email protected]
Total Funding:
20.57 M USD
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Investors List
Boyuan Capital
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Yijing Capital
Yijing Capital investment in Series C - Yizhun Intelligent
Sharewin Investment
Sharewin Investment investment in Series C - Yizhun Intelligent
Qingsong Fund
Qingsong Fund investment in Series B - Yizhun Intelligent
The Hina Group
The Hina Group investment in Series B - Yizhun Intelligent
Xiaomiao Langcheng
Xiaomiao Langcheng investment in Series B - Yizhun Intelligent
Wondfo Biotech
Wondfo Biotech investment in Series B - Yizhun Intelligent
Qingsong Fund
Qingsong Fund investment in Series A - Yizhun Intelligent
The Hina Group
The Hina Group investment in Series A - Yizhun Intelligent
More informations about "Yizhun Intelligent"
医准智能 – AI赋能·让影像发挥最大临床价值
医准智能是一家专注于人工智能辅助医疗影像诊断的公司。 公司拥有一支来自国内顶尖高校的机器学习算法团队,医准智能推出肺部CT和乳腺钼靶智能检测系统,还携手IBM共同推出达尔文智 …See details»
Yizhun Intelligent - Crunchbase Company Profile & Funding
Yizhun Intelligent provides intelligent solutions for imaging equipment, clinical intelligence solutions, and AI research solutions. The company is committed to developing full-stack AI …See details»
Yizhun AI - PitchBook
Information on valuation, funding, cap tables, investors, and executives for Yizhun AI. Use the PitchBook Platform to explore the full profile.See details»
了解医准 – 医准智能 - yizhun-ai.com
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Yizhun Intelligent - Craft
Yizhun Intelligent is a company that develops medical imaging technology focusing on the detection of nodules and tumors in the lungs and mammary glands. Its technology utilizes …See details»
Yizhun Intelligent - Org Chart, Teams, Culture & Jobs | The Org
View Yizhun Intelligent's up-to-date org chart, open roles, and culture details. Find executives, board members, teams, related companies, and more.See details»
Yizhun Intelligent - Overview, News & Similar companies
View Yizhun Intelligent (www.yizhun-ai.com) location in Beijing, China , revenue, industry and description. Find related and similar companies as well as employees by title and much more.See details»
Yizhun Intelligent - Funding, Financials, Valuation & Investors
Yizhun Intelligent is a domestic and artificial intelligence for medical industry.See details»
医准智能-动脉网 - vbdata.cn
Nov 6, 2017 医准智能是一家专注于人工智能辅助医疗影像诊断的公司,拥有一支顶尖的机器学习算法团队。来自国内顶尖的高校。机器学习是他们的第一专业。 2014年,研究团队开始将机 …See details»
Series C - Yizhun Intelligent - 2021-06-21 - Crunchbase
Jun 21, 2021 Overview Organization Name Yizhun Intelligent Announced Date Jun 21, 2021 Funding Type Series C Funding Stage Late Stage VentureSee details»
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Yizhun Intelligent Completes $14 Million B Round for AI-based …
Mar 19, 2020 Yizhun Intelligent, a Beijing AI-based medical scan diagnosis company, completed a Series B funding round of $14 million, led by Wondfo Bio-industry Fund and joined by …See details»
AI medical imaging enterprise "medical quasi intelligence" …
Feb 24, 2021 AI medical imaging enterprise Beijing Yizhun Intelligent Technology Co., Ltd. has recently completed a B + round of financing of RMB 100 million. This round of financing is led …See details»
Chinese AI Medical Imaging Firm Yizhun Intelligent Completes …
Mar 19, 2020 Chinese AI medical imaging company Yizhun Intelligent has recently completed a Series B round financing of nearly RMB100 million (US$14.14 million), led ... AI, Artificial …See details»
Hao Yu | IEEE Xplore Author Details
He is currently an Engineer with Yizhun Medical AI Company Ltd., Beijing. His current research interests include AI medical imaging diagnosis and robot manipulation.See details»
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领先的智能AI实验平台 - Darwin实验室,医学数据分析、影像组学 …
面向AI医疗科研的人工智能统计分析平台-零代码、端到端、更灵活,开展数据处理、影像组学、多组学多模态科研、机器学习统计分析 、生存分析、数据可视化等AI医疗科研实验。See details»
登录 - Darwin实验室 - darwin-online.yizhun-ai.com
面向AI医疗科研的人工智能统计分析平台-零代码、端到端、更灵活,开展数据处理、影像组学、多组学多模态科研、机器学习统计分析 、生存分析、数据可视化等AI医疗科研实验。See details»
智在全能 | 影像设备“智”能化全覆盖,医准智能与您“全”力以赴
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